Interface ShellCallback

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShellCallback
This interface defines methods that a shell should support to enable the generator to work. A "shell" is defined as the execution environment (i.e. an Eclipse plugin, and Ant task, a NetBeans plugin, etc.)

The default ShellCallback that is very low function and does not support the merging of Java files. The default shell callback is appropriate for use in well controlled environments where no changes made to generated Java files.

Jeff Butler
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDirectory(String targetProject, String targetPackage)
    This method is called to ask the shell to resolve a project/package combination into a directory on the file system.
    default boolean
    Return true if the callback supports Java merging, otherwise false.
    Return true if the generator should overwrite an existing file if one exists.
    default String
    mergeJavaFile(String newFileSource, File existingFile, String[] javadocTags, String fileEncoding)
    This method is called if a newly generated Java file would overwrite an existing file.
    default void
    After all files are saved to the file system, this method is called once for each unique project that was affected by the generation run.
  • Method Details

    • getDirectory

      File getDirectory(String targetProject, String targetPackage) throws ShellException
      This method is called to ask the shell to resolve a project/package combination into a directory on the file system. This method is called repeatedly (once for each generated file), so it would be wise for an implementing class to cache results.

      The returned object:

      • Must be a directory
      • Must exist

      The default shell callback interprets both values as directories and simply concatenates the two values to generate the default directory.

      targetProject - the target project
      targetPackage - the target package
      the directory (must exist)
      ShellException - if the project/package cannot be resolved into a directory on the file system. In this case, the generator will not save the file it is currently working on. The generator will add the exception message to the list of warnings automatically.
    • mergeJavaFile

      default String mergeJavaFile(String newFileSource, File existingFile, String[] javadocTags, String fileEncoding) throws ShellException
      This method is called if a newly generated Java file would overwrite an existing file. This method should return the merged source (formatted). The generator will write the merged source as-is to the file system.

      A merge typically follows these steps:

      1. Delete any methods/fields in the existing file that have the specified JavaDoc tag
      2. Add any new super interfaces from the new file into the existing file
      3. Make sure that the existing file's super class matches the new file
      4. Make sure that the existing file is of the same type as the existing file (either interface or class)
      5. Add any new imports from the new file into the existing file
      6. Add all methods and fields from the new file into the existing file
      7. Format the resulting source string

      This method is called only if you return true from isMergeSupported().

      newFileSource - the source of the newly generated Java file
      existingFile - the existing Java file
      javadocTags - the JavaDoc tags that denotes which methods and fields in the old file to delete (if the Java element has any of these tags, the element is eligible for merge)
      fileEncoding - the file encoding for reading existing Java files. Can be null, in which case the platform default encoding will be used.
      the merged source, properly formatted. The source will be saved exactly as returned from this method.
      ShellException - if the file cannot be merged for some reason. If this exception is thrown, nothing will be saved and the existing file will remain undisturbed. The generator will add the exception message to the list of warnings automatically.
    • refreshProject

      default void refreshProject(String project)
      After all files are saved to the file system, this method is called once for each unique project that was affected by the generation run. This method is useful if your IDE needs to be informed that file system objects have been created or updated. If you are running outside of an IDE, your implementation need not do anything in this method.
      project - the project to be refreshed
    • isMergeSupported

      default boolean isMergeSupported()
      Return true if the callback supports Java merging, otherwise false. The mergeJavaFile() method will be called only if this method returns true.
      a boolean specifying whether Java merge is supported or not
    • isOverwriteEnabled

      boolean isOverwriteEnabled()
      Return true if the generator should overwrite an existing file if one exists. This method will be called only if isMergeSupported() returns false and a file exists that would be overwritten by a generated file. If you return true, then we will log a warning specifying what file was overwritten.
      true if you want to overwrite existing files