Class ConditionalModelRules

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConditionalModelRules extends BaseRules
This class encapsulates all the code generation rules for a table using the conditional model. In this model we do not generate primary key or record with BLOBs classes if the class would only hold one field.
Jeff Butler
  • Constructor Details

    • ConditionalModelRules

      public ConditionalModelRules(IntrospectedTable introspectedTable)
      Instantiates a new conditional model rules.
      introspectedTable - the introspected table
  • Method Details

    • generatePrimaryKeyClass

      public boolean generatePrimaryKeyClass()
      We generate a primary key if there is more than one primary key field.
      true if the primary key should be generated
    • generateBaseRecordClass

      public boolean generateBaseRecordClass()
      Generate a base record if there are any base columns, or if there is only one primary key coulmn (in which case we will not generate a primary key class), or if there is only one BLOB column (in which case we will not generate a record with BLOBs class).
      true if the class should be generated
    • generateRecordWithBLOBsClass

      public boolean generateRecordWithBLOBsClass()
      We generate a record with BLOBs class if there is more than one BLOB column. Do not generate a BLOBs class if any other super class would only contain one field
      true if the record with BLOBs class should be generated