Class MyBatis3RenderingStrategy

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MyBatis3RenderingStrategy extends RenderingStrategy
  • Constructor Details

    • MyBatis3RenderingStrategy

      public MyBatis3RenderingStrategy()
  • Method Details

    • getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder

      public String getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder(String prefix, String parameterName)
      Description copied from class: RenderingStrategy
      This method generates a binding for a parameter to a placeholder in a generated SQL statement.

      This binding is appropriate when the parameter is bound to placeholder that is not a known column (such as a limit or offset parameter). The bindings are specific to the target framework.

      For MyBatis, a binding looks like this: "#{prefix.parameterName}"

      For Spring, a binding looks like this: ":parameterName"

      Specified by:
      getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder in class RenderingStrategy
      prefix - parameter prefix used for locating the parameters in a SQL provider object. Typically, will be RenderingStrategy.DEFAULT_PARAMETER_PREFIX. This is ignored for Spring.
      parameterName - name of the parameter. Typically generated by calling RenderingStrategy.formatParameterMapKey(AtomicInteger)
      the generated binding
    • getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder

      public String getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder(BindableColumn<?> column, String prefix, String parameterName)
      Description copied from class: RenderingStrategy
      This method generates a binding for a parameter to a placeholder in a generated SQL statement.

      This binding is appropriate when there can be a mapping between a parameter and a known target column, In MyBatis, the binding can specify type information based on the column. The bindings are specific to the target framework.

      For MyBatis, a binding looks like this: "#{prefix.parameterName,jdbcType=xxx,typeHandler=xxx,javaType=xxx}"

      For Spring, a binding looks like this: ":parameterName"

      Specified by:
      getFormattedJdbcPlaceholder in class RenderingStrategy
      column - column definition used for generating type details in a MyBatis binding. Ignored for Spring.
      prefix - parameter prefix used for locating the parameters in a SQL provider object. Typically, will be RenderingStrategy.DEFAULT_PARAMETER_PREFIX. This is ignored for Spring.
      parameterName - name of the parameter. Typically generated by calling RenderingStrategy.formatParameterMapKey(AtomicInteger)
      the generated binding
    • getRecordBasedInsertBinding

      public String getRecordBasedInsertBinding(BindableColumn<?> column, String parameterName)
      Description copied from class: RenderingStrategy
      This method generates a binding for a parameter to a placeholder in a record based insert statement.

      This binding is specifically for use with insert, batch insert, and multirow insert statements and the MapToRow mapping. These statements bind parameters to the row class directly.

      For MyBatis, a binding looks like this: "#{parameterName,jdbcType=xxx,typeHandler=xxx,javaType=xxx}"

      For Spring, a binding looks like this: ":parameterName"

      Specified by:
      getRecordBasedInsertBinding in class RenderingStrategy
      column - column definition used for generating type details in a MyBatis binding. Ignored for Spring.
      parameterName - name of the parameter. Typically, will be either "row" or "records[x]" to match the properties of the generated statement object class.
      the generated binding