Class StatementConfiguration


public class StatementConfiguration extends Object
This class can be used to change some behaviors of the framework. Every configurable statement contains a unique instance of this class, so changes here will only impact a single statement. If you intend to change the behavior for all statements, use the GlobalConfiguration. Initial values for this class in each statement are set from the GlobalConfiguration. Configurable behaviors are detailed below:
If false (default), the framework will not render list conditions that are empty in a where clause. This is beneficial in that it will not allow the library to generate invalid SQL, but it has a potentially dangerous side effect where a statement could be generated that impacts more rows then expected. If true, an empty list will be rendered as "in ()", "not in ()", etc. which will likely cause an SQLException at runtime.
If false (default), the framework will throw a NonRenderingWhereClauseException if a where clause is specified in the statement, but it fails to render because all optional conditions do not render. For example, if an "in" condition specifies an empty list of values. If no criteria are specified in a where clause, the framework assumes that no where clause was intended and will not throw an exception.
Jeff Butler
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StatementConfiguration

      public StatementConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • isNonRenderingWhereClauseAllowed

      public boolean isNonRenderingWhereClauseAllowed()
    • setNonRenderingWhereClauseAllowed

      public StatementConfiguration setNonRenderingWhereClauseAllowed(boolean nonRenderingWhereClauseAllowed)
    • isEmptyListConditionRenderingAllowed

      public boolean isEmptyListConditionRenderingAllowed()
    • setEmptyListConditionRenderingAllowed

      public StatementConfiguration setEmptyListConditionRenderingAllowed(boolean emptyListConditionRenderingAllowed)